

单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 浙江 宁波市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-03-30 15:38

brief introduction:

free clean is an environmentally friendly appliance intended for use in a residential laundry facility.

free clean is designed to work with your washing machine, adding ozone to the cold-water supply. water treated by free clean aids 

in cleaning laundry and killing bacteria without leaving residual detergent in the fabric.

free clean is unique function to the clothes of white-collar, gravida, infants, and underwear washing.

functional system:

1. magnetizer: use strong magnet to absorb metal ions from the water, which will soften the water for more pure water.

2. oxidation gas

it utilizes ozone in a hydrated quad-metallic target to create:


ozonide ions

hydro peroxides


free oxygen molecules

these advanced oxidizers become entrained in the water to break down oils and grime and disinfect the fabric and work best with 

cold water.


benefits after using free clean:

clean clothes without detergents

the advance gas, ozone purifies the water by stabilizing chlorine residues, heavy metal ions, and various organic impurities that 

cause unpleasant smells, making tap water unpalatable.

increased fabric life and volume

typical laundry detergents can contain up to 50% zeolites, which act as an abrasive to work stains out of clothing. 

zeolites also break down the fibers in clothing, causing them to break down much faster. clothes washed in free clean 

will last longer than clothes washed in standard laundry detergent.

the elimination of trapped detergents makes color more vibrant

for the same reason free clean volatizes fabrics and eliminates allergies caused by detergents, the system also makes the clothing 

with bright colors more vibrant. normal detergents are never fully rinsed from our clothing after a wash cycle. these detergents 

build up and dull the colors. free clean not only doesn’t leave a residue, it can pull the entrained detergent from clothing previously 

washed in typical detergents which will brighten the colors.

eliminate allergies caused by detergents

for the same reason free clean volatizes fabrics, the system also can also reduce skin irritation. normal detergents are never 

fully rinsed from our clothing after a wash cycle. these detergents continue to build up and can cause skin irritation. 

free clean not only doesn’t leave a residue, it can pull the entrained detergent from clothing previously washed in typical detergents.

eliminate harmful detergents

normal detergents dump millions of tons of phosphate and chlorine into the waterways of the world yearly, polluting our water resources. 

free clean is a totally eco-friendly cleaning system leaving nothing but clean oxygen and hydrogen as its byproduct.

水处理器 臭氧空气净化器 等离子空气净化器